Morning in Mont Tremblant


If we’re writing today, it’s because New York will not be happening (sadly…) for now. We’re not going to let the idea fly away like that. On the bright side, something better happened, we went to Mont Tremblant!

It was our first time ever going there and the colors were spectacular. We went to catch the sunrise from the mountain. Yeah, we know, CRAZY, but it was really amazing! We do recommend you go before the leaves are gone. If you go in the next two weeks, colors should still be there.

You don’t have to do like us and decide to go at 3 am, leave at 4, and arrive at 6, but if you go early enough you can grab breakfast at La Sandwicherie and go eat it on the docks facing the village. Chocolatine and orange juice for some, and coffee for others.

In order to go there, it’s very simple, either you have a friend with a car and you participate by buying food (reese, kinder bueno and timbits), or you search for a carpool. Honestly, the latter option is the best since you get to go with friends (haha).

Here are shots that we think represent best what it’s like to go there.


We hope your midterms went well, enjoy the few weeks of freedom before finals and head out to Mont Tremblant for the fall colors!

Also, let’s add a special thanks to our driver @charles_tvr, who kindly drove us there at 4 am haha