My 20th Birthday in Quebec


Hello!! I’m back!!

What started off as a surprise arrival from my godmother turned out to be a surprise road trip to the beautiful Quebec City! The excuse? I’m turning 20 this year! (end of March) What better way to spend it than on a road trip in the region of Quebec.

What You Need to Know

First of all, you want to rent a car to go up there. The train is nice but once you’re there you have to do everything by foot and can’t really move around as you please.

We started off with l’Ile d’Orleans. Such an amazing place to be! You need to know it’s one road that goes all around with fields everywhere. In the summer they’re used for cultivating fruits and vegetables and in the winter (the best part) for sleigh riding and ski-dooing!

The following day we headed back to the city (20-30 minutes away) with a pit-stop at the Montmorency Falls that were on the other side of the bridge. Great tip, arrive after closing, right before nightfall. The site should still be accessible and you still get to see the waterfall!

Arriving in Quebec, the three things you want to do are the Chateau (of course!), the Petit Champlain and if you can all the streets of the old Quebec (it’s worth it! architecturally speaking).

The rest of the exploration is up to you! Here’s a map of the island and Quebec City:



The second thing you need to know is the places where we stayed. On l’Ile d’Orleans we found this very cute Auberge de Jeunesse called Au P’tit Bonheur that’s also where we did the sleigh ride and the ski-dooing! It was really worth it. Then once we got to Quebec we slept in a monastery. Just to make things more interesting we took the authentic looking rooms. Funny story authentic means common bathrooms haha. It’s called le Monastere des Augustines. It kinda felt like a detox center to be honest haha.

If you do end up road trippin’ after reading this article, let us know! We’d love to hear your thoughts. Enjoy!!